Against Human Trafficking
In California we have the right to vote, to raise
our voice and let the Government to hear our propositions and make them
happen. Human trafficking is the most horrific crime a person could do,
California has three cities that has a high intensity child sex
trafficking areas: San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. To help
these cities to prevent the human trafficking Proposition 35 is going to
increase prison sentences and fines for all people convicted of human
trafficking and trade of human beings for sex slavery or forced labor. Prison
sentences would be increased to 15 years of jail or a lifetime and a
fine up to $1.5 million. Also would require the offenders convicted of
sex trafficking to register as a sex offender and would force them to
disclose the identities they use on the Internet, as well as the sites
they visit. Our children and youth are the future of our country, and we
demand protection to them, therefore, vote YES for proposition 35 to
protect our children and youth from sexual exploitation.
People against the proposition argue that is not necessary to have this law passed because criminalization
of prostitution is the condition that allows exploitation. When we talk
about prostitution in general, we can define it as an individual job
that a female or a male decide to do to gain some money for them. We are
trying to stop the criminalization of human trafficking and exploiting
the victims to being force to have sex, being in pornography and being
sexual slaves. Woman have it the worst, in a video on YouTube shows
evidence when a woman that was working on the streets as a prostitute
was not giving a man what he wanted, he called the police to get her as a
human trafficker; even the police assault her just because she was
saying no. Who was the sexual offender on this scene, was the police. If
we do not put a stop on this our future generation would fall from
heaven and would be on the devils hands.
the politicians are ridiculously against the proposition 35 they think
that rape is what as a woman, we deserve. In 1990 the republican Clayton
Williams said, “If it’s inevitable, just relax and enjoy it”. In that
year human trafficking was climbing the way up, but no one did something
to stop it. Now in 2012 the same political party, had three other
politicians that commented in a very inhuman way about the victims of
human trafficking. We have Rick Santorian’s quote, “Rape victims should
make the best of a bad situation”, Todd Akin’s “If it’s a legitimate
rape, the female body has ways of shutting that whole thing down” (this
is just a missing the point fallacy). And the famous quote from Richard
Mourdock, “I came to realize life is that gift from God, and I think
even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape that it is
something that God intended to happen”. We have to stop this insult we
need to support each other to give the sex offenders what they deserve,
prison. We need to save our children and woman for a better future.
One of other reasons that people are against this
law is because they think the state would affect the state budget and go
bankrupt. According to make this proposition happen the state would use
$2 million to increase the time on prison to the offender and it would
also train the police Officers in a better way to identify the offenders
and to be strict with the law. The thing that people do not think is
that we have donors that are willing to help California to be a better
place for our children and woman. Chris Kelly, a candidate for Attorney
General of California contributed with $2,160,000 millions, The
California Statewide Law Enforcement Association has donated $500,000
dollars, The Police Officers Research Association gave $200,000 dollars
and so many donors that completed the amount of $3,000,000 millions. We
are not even going to touch the state budget if this proposition passes.
The offenders would pay a on lifetime prison and a fine up to $1.5
millions. Do not worry, there is people out there, like you and I that
care about our children and woman that would do anything to protect
The Internet media has so many traffickers online,
which provide them with access to vulnerable children. Proposition 35
would stop from happening because every time that the police would
arrest an offender would have to provide all his information and sites
to track other traffickers and save more victims to be free again. If
this proposition does not pass our children and woman would be held
against their will and forced into prostitution for the financial gain
of human traffickers. Many girls are around the age working for these
sex offenders. Leah Albright- Boyd that is a survivor from being
trafficked and abused when she was just only 14 years old. Imagine if
your kid ends it up like Leah, you would like to send these human
traffickers to prison for the rest of their lives. I would vote YES to
35, I want to protect our generation, our woman and my future children
from human traffickers. Help by voting Yes on Proposition 35 to build a
better California and to protect our woman and children.
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