Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Class Questions

Why is it better to send the young to juvenile detention instead of threating him as an adult?
-I think is better to send the young ones to the juvenile because we can change the way they are thinking and hoping they can be better person in the future and stop making crimes. Instead of not giving them the opportunity to change, like an adult. And if they do not change and they just do it one more time then they can go to prison and being sentenced as an adult.

What are the similarities and differences between Code of the Streets and the Juvenile articles?
-The similarities are the racial inequality of people ex. black and latino has more chances to get sentenced and
treat them different from the white people.
The problem is also because there is no jobs and the discrimination is rising in the communities and the young people want rebellion, just going against the government.

How the critical theory  relates to the article?
-Eve if you commit a crime in a "good way" to help others could be the end it up in a unjustice crime on the eyes of the persecutor.

Do you agree on the preposition 21?
-I believe that the young 14 to 17 before they turn 18, they have the right to go to the juvenile no matter the crime just to give them a chance to change and to recognize what they did, to learn from the punishment.

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