Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reflective Letter

June 27, 2012

Reflective Letter

To: Estephania Maupome

Writing is a skill that you have to achieve by learning; you did not born with it. The most important thing that you learn in this class was the amazing confidence you build towards writing essays. You lost the fear and did not give up. That was the main goal for this class, being able to write.

At the beginning of the class I remember you were very nervous because you felt that you were going to fail the class again. The topic of self-identification was the key to let your mind open and free with ideas, and that you are unique. Yes, society has been shaping you and so far has been for good. What you learn in how the identity is form is important to keep forever. It shape you to believe in yourself that you can do it; just like Rose Guibalt, learning English was not a barrier in her life, she became an amazing journalist. Your critical thinking became your friend and you started to melt the ice between writing and you. In this chapter you were learning to maintain focus on the questions and to write adequate.

You were a deviant for not wanting to change your essay to make it look better; you committed grammatical errors and your second essay was not that pleasant. Criminal, you know we are all criminals. However; you learn that in Juvenile System gives some chances to few people and you got the chance to improve, your paragraph structure was getting better as well your focus on the topic. You became a critical thinker. In this part of the class you learned of how to make a better outline to focus more in what you were going to write about.

In this phase of the class, you got to teach the class about gender inequality in which gave you the opportunity to learn more about prompts and how to use them.  The main thing of this exercise was to be in two different positions and learn in two different ways, by teaching and by listening. The goal of it was to ask questions, without it there would be no way of learning. From this you are going to apply this method towards school, work and general life.

Having the idea of being able to write an essay about the topic that most intrigue you was the greatest opportunity you had to express yourself towards the immigration issue. You had to do research; you learn to choose which resources were good and not always search on Wikipedia because we do not know if is a fact.
I think you did really well in this assignment; you really put all your knowledge together and that will pay off.

I have been watching you grow academically, and I am so proud of you. You pulled it off and made it to the end, go ahead and give a pat in your back. What is the most important is that you learn to focus and to put attention to any detail, plus your critical thinking grew. I really want to thank the Professor who thought you how to write and focus adequately and also because he made you break your barriers of fear of writing essays. I am proud of you.


P.S. Thank you Mr. Brian Lewis for believe on me and for teaching me to believe in myself; I can do it.  
Thank you.

Research Essay

Estephania Maupome
English 1A
Research Paper

How Most Americans perceive Young Latin Immigrants?

 Imagine yourself as a young kid who was born and raised in Mexico. You had everything going well for you. Your family was together in harmony, you were doing excellent in your elementary school, and you didn’t really have to worry about anything, just wonderful. Now, lets say in some rare occurrence all this was taken away from you because your parents found a better way of living in another country where the rules and language are a bit different from where you originally lived. Now being in a whole new world per say, takes time to cope. But being in a country illegally as a kid make it is much harder to live, even though is not the kids fault. Especially when the country has a strict law against illegal immigrants, but when kids grow they faced so many barriers to succeed in the place they called home. Therefore, most Americans should give a chance to young latino immigrants to succeed in the United States.

Many young illegal immigrants dream of becoming someone productive to America, to give their knowledge to the country who watched them grow, Although most of the Americans block those dreams because they fear that we are going to take their jobs and money. In an article posted by The National Academy Press published that 51 percent of Americans believe that immigrants take jobs away from native-born workers. Although, 86 percent believe that immigrants are hard workers, and 61 percent think immigrants create jobs and set up new businesses. Darrell West is an American author, political scientist, and political commentator. West is the vice president and director of governance studies and director of the center for technology innovation at the Brookings Institution, he states on his article The Cost and Benefit of ImmigrationImmigrants bring a "brain gain" of innovation and creativity that outweighs real or imagined costs. Immigrants have enriched our economic, intellectual, social, and cultural life in a number of fundamental respects. We need a new national narrative on immigration that moves from themes of "illegality and abuse" to those of "innovation and enrichment." (6) Young illegal immigrants are Americans by heart, we were not born here, but this is the only country and home that we know. We know how to work and do not disappoint the people who gives us chances to succeed. This is our home and we want to succeed just like an American. I work two part time jobs and I go to college and I am not taking any ones job. I am working to pay my education and bring the best of me to this country. I am studying Multimedia Technologies, if I get the opportunity to be legally part of America, I will create jobs for this country.

Most of the Americans do not accept Illegal immigrants because they fear that their culture is losing its distinctive character due to non-English-speaking who move to the United States and do not integrate into mainstream social and political life. They think that we receive more privileges and benefits more than them, and sometimes they think that the government pays more attention to us rather than them. “[Most Americans] do not like immigrants who look or act differently from themselves”(West, 1). When an illegal immigrant comes to America on their early years of life, we entered to a whole new universe that we do not understand. We learn a whole new different life, our schools, friends, and media are totally different; and that’s why we learn how to speak English to be socially active and be part of America. We do not receive any privileges from the government; the only thing that we receive is fear and depression because we don’t feel accepted. The only thing that we want is to be like an American. When I came to this country seven years ago, with no English, social skills and with a huge hope to be someone in life, I felt like a bean in a white rice cup. After seven years living in this beautiful country I perfected the English language, I have a diverse group of friends that are united from the language and I admire the political parties. In these seven years I graduated from middle school with an Outstanding Academic Excellence, I graduate from High School with Honors and now that I am in college I have the pursuit of graduating with a degree. However, now that I am in college I do not feel accepted like most of the Americans. I do not want my dreams to vanish from being illegal.

The education is very important to succeed in America; otherwise this country would not exist. Thanks to America’s education, many people have been successful by contributing their knowledge to the country. Anoop Lalla posted on the newspaper Mountain View VOICE “It depends on the kind of education they’ve had, the kind of school systems they have gone to, how much have we invested in their education and what they can contribute to the society. I think everybody needs to be given a fair chance” (3). America has the most successful education worldwide; therefore, everyone deserves the right to have education and to succeed in America. I have not finish my college education because I did not receive any support, and I am not the only one who is in this situation, 800,000 young illegal immigrants are waiting for a fair chance to be accepted in America.

America is a smart and optimistic country. In which their people is very reasonable and gives opportunities to people around the world, specially the ones that are in the country. In the newspaper Mountain View VOICE, the article called Deportation, The President of the United States of America Barack Obama said “They are Americans in their heart, in their minds, in every single way but one: on paper” (13) Referring to all the young illegal immigrants in the Nation. He made a law, especially for the young illegal immigrant,
that states we can stay in the country without the fear of being deported by having a two-year visa without limits. The visa will allow us to succeed in life, work and be an American, but is not citizenship. The requirements are: to came to America before the age of 16, to prove that we have being living for 5 consecutive years, High School Diploma and to prove that we keep studying. We are not going to take the jobs from you, we are becoming you, we are going to work together. We are Americans.

Work Cited

DeBolt, Daniel. “Deportation.” Mountain View VOICE 22 JUNE 2012 : 5

Immigration Debate: Studies on the Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1998),

Darrel M. West “The Cost of Benefit of Immigration” (2009)
6. Academy of Political Science


1.- The purpose of teaching the class was to experiment learning and teaching others to understand different issues is sociology. The student is the one that has no clue of what is the teacher is going to teach, so he or she is open mind and ready to learn the new topic. The teacher is the one that knows really well the topic that’s is going to teach the class, to make the student think and participate so they (teacher and student) get involve in the class and learn in a mutual way. 
2.- The effects that I feel I had in the activity is that I learned four different topics in two days!. I think that was a very worth it, plus I learned it a really funny, interactive and professional way. The challenging part was to teach the class because we tried to make sure the class gets what are we talking about, also we were in a time limit so is was difficult to crunch every information in the chapter. 
 3.- One of the strategies I would apply would be images and videos in class because it makes it interesting and makes a better understanding of the topic. 
 4.- I want to talk about immigration in the United States, from the chapter 7 social inequality.
 5.- My question for my research paper would be: How Republic Americans Perceive Latin Immigrants? Why Americans do not accept Illegal Immigrants? Does Americans are affected by the Immigrants? Is the immigration bad for Americans in the United States? 
 6.- WHAT TO DO: From the chapters that we learn in the teaching activity, choose a topic that you would talk about as an issue. HOW TO DO IT: *From the chapters: 7, 9, 10, and 11 read choose a topic that you would like to do a research about. * Then research on the Internet and Foothill library * Find resources and read them *Annotate and quote the important things that you would introduce into your essay. *Free write about the ideas you have from your focus question

Video Gender Inequality

Free Write

what is gender inequality?
gender inequality is when someone is discriminated by ethnicity or gender because it could be a woman, pregnancy, also the violence, rape and sexual harassment between individuals.
Do you think we will have equality worldwide?
Yes, so far the world has been progressing and giving more opportunities to woman-to be equal to men.
do you think that gender inequality could be reverse by woman against man workwise?
It might be.
Have you ever suffer from gender inequality?

Gender Inequality

*Woman work place
inequalities at work
gender typed= a woman's job
sexual harassment at work

*House work
majority woman spend 60% of house work
clothing and food for their families

vocal politics "woman's work; low payment, part time
employment, flexible hours, absence clean path of career

Gender Inequality has been an issue for many decades-woman are ultimately

Free Write

Chapter 9
Free write
What's your "private" connection to the topic how might this topic affect you individually?

This topic really affects me individually, since I was little my mom have to raise my brother and I by herself because my father just gave up on us. Also the woman in my family are the ones who take care of the children, house work, and outside work adding that they also are the administrators of the money in the house. Yes my uncles and grandpa work, but not as much as the woman. Also even when the woman did more for the family and house the male have more power of authority than the woman in certain situations, specially when my mom was younger.


Gender Inequality

Class Questions

Why is it better to send the young to juvenile detention instead of threating him as an adult?
-I think is better to send the young ones to the juvenile because we can change the way they are thinking and hoping they can be better person in the future and stop making crimes. Instead of not giving them the opportunity to change, like an adult. And if they do not change and they just do it one more time then they can go to prison and being sentenced as an adult.

What are the similarities and differences between Code of the Streets and the Juvenile articles?
-The similarities are the racial inequality of people ex. black and latino has more chances to get sentenced and
treat them different from the white people.
The problem is also because there is no jobs and the discrimination is rising in the communities and the young people want rebellion, just going against the government.

How the critical theory  relates to the article?
-Eve if you commit a crime in a "good way" to help others could be the end it up in a unjustice crime on the eyes of the persecutor.

Do you agree on the preposition 21?
-I believe that the young 14 to 17 before they turn 18, they have the right to go to the juvenile no matter the crime just to give them a chance to change and to recognize what they did, to learn from the punishment.

PRISON Free Write


When I was younger, I knew what was a prison. A prison is a ugly place where the bad people goes. A cold dark place with a lot of rooms with no windows, no privacy and metal doors. That was my concept for a prison, but since I grew up, I had another view of it. The place is still cold, but is dangerous and unfair. People fight in there, and they do not care if you get killed. Even good people goes there because the justice system commit negligence. The media has shown part of the true colors of what a prison is. When you see youth and elder surviving and waiting for freedom. HOPE. FOR THOSE THAT LEARNED THE LESSON. I noticed that most of the people that are in prison are the minority groups such as black and Latino community. Even some people just want to get arrested because they want shelter and free food, desperate!. Now I do not know what prison really is, is if for justice or for pleasure.


I learned a lot from this essay, I saw that I improved and that my paragraphs structure are becoming better also the ides that I want to express and the focus on the topic. What I learned from this unit was that this book was both intellectually and emotionally thought-provoking. It made me feel and question so many things that I had taken for granted - my freedom, ability to make choices, and access to creative expression. I think this book should be read by anyone who sees people in black and white terms - "Good" and "Bad," "Delinquent" or "Obedient." It certainly made me think about what leads juvenile offenders into the choices they make, and how important it is to allow them a way to vent their fear, frustration, and anger in a creative way in order to discover who they are. Mark Salzman steps back and lets the youths' writing speak for itself.

Juvenile Crime

The True Face of a Young Criminal

The True Face of a Young Criminal In the book True Notebooks by Mark Salzman hands us the true minds of a Juvenile Hall who are going to be in prison for a long period of time. Youth have been tried as adults for even minor offences. California’s adult system has punishment of offenders as a goal, while juvenile justice system has a different goal, treatment and rehabilitation of juvenile offenders. Juvenile Justice system has a broad of many methods and programs for addressing juvenile crime, taking into account the severity of the offense and the background of the offender. These include treatment programs, detention, incarceration, and community supervision. Since the Juvenile System goals is rehabilitation; they include school, social services agencies and community organizations. Most of the Juveniles Halls are overcrowded, mainly with juveniles being held for violent offenses, juvenile halls may accept only the most violent arrestees, turning away most other arrestees. If the offender is placed in juvenile hall the probation department and the district attorney can choose to file a “petition” with the juvenile court, which is similar to filling charges in adult court. The district attorney may request that the juvenile be “remanded” to adult court because the juvenile is “unfit” to be adjudicated as a juvenile due to the nature of his or her offense and a juvenile convicted in adult court, the offender can be sentenced and be placed in the Youth Authority until the age of 24. I do not believe in the Juvenile Justice System because they do not care if the juvenile rehabilitated and learned from the punishment, they do not give the opportunity and the chance to make them prove they change, the only people who believes on them are the people inside of the facility helping them to find themselves.Xnice intro here overall; could be 2 paragraphs, and could get to the point more quickly. After a young person commits a crime, he will be send directly to the juvenile and they need the opportunity to be heard and the opportunity to prove they change. Unfortunately the system do not let them because the message they get from the juvenile is “that [“kids”] are garbage (…) It tells them that they just simply wants to dispose them. It’s obscene. [And the system] give up on rehabilitation (…)” (Salzman, 26) The system has lost the hope of the rehabilitation and went they sentence them, they do not count on how much they have been change. If the juvenile system could see how much the rehabilitation help this kids, they will help them to succeed and to become someone and no a piece of garbage. Instead of supporting them, “they don’t teach [them] anything (…) They just baby [them] around (…) all [they] can think about is the mistake [they] made (…) (Salzman, 99). The system should treat them like a teenagers, not babies, they made a mistake just like everyone else, but more aggravated, in which a human being is capable to understand and comprehend of what they did wrong and not to do it again. They just need help and people to believe on them. I have a friend of mine that he was on the juvenile for punching a classmate almost to dead because of the gang thing. He graduated from high school on the juvenile and made everything he could to get out from the juvenile early and to prove the system that he had change and learned from his mistake. Her mother told me that when she visited him, she saw that he changed that he was not the same anymore because now he had a purpose in life to go to college and be someone in life. When his trial came up, the persecutor of the victim convicted him fifteen years on adult prison without parole.Xpowerful story!! this is worth creating an entirel new paragraph for, and showing that True Notebooks is in line with your experience, or some stronger point about this example from your life. We could see his tears coming out but the Judge just agreed with the persecutor and all his rehabilitation was in vane to the system and him. While I found that the victim was a gang member and never graduate from high school.Xexplain in context of the thesis; change the system or not? The system has different rehabilitation programs and one of them is a writing class, in which the professors are volunteers. This people are the ones who believe on them and see them progress on the way to find themselves. Xintroduce quote moreso, the context and reason for it.The kids “want to please adults, they want to fit in, they want to model themselves after someone they respect. It’s just had most of them have been brainwashed into thinking they aren’t capable of it” (Salzman, 27) The only opportunity that these kids have to see a person and follow them as a role model, were the volunteers because they did not treat them like trash, they treat them as people with feelings and goals. In the writing class was the place to become someone at the Juvenile Hall, in which they expressed themselves towards writing and demonstrated that they have talent. Mark SalzmanX, one of the volunteer teachers, believed that these criminals should not let them have another opportunity because of the crimes they made. Once he started teaching his mind completely change after interacting with young murders. He saw that this young man had feelings and that they have learned from the mistake they made and that now they wanted to prove that they changed and be someone in life. Xkey point! could rise to surface of paragraph or new paragraph to emphasize it.The English class in which Mark believed that it was helping them to think outside the jail and that they were capable of being someone. “ I want to thank you for making a dream come true. To see young people who feel they have no voices begin to find their voices. Your work has impresses us deeply, and it has already touched more people than you know (…) you must believe (…) that our world cannot be complete without you, and without hearing what you have to say.” (Salzman, 155)XI3 Sister Janet, another volunteer in the facility, encouraged the kids with this amazing speech, letting them know that they are someone, a human being with feelings and that have made mistakes in life just like everyone else in this world. She also encouraged them to keep going in life by not giving up their hopes and that the world needs them. People like Mark and Sister Janet have been transformed juveniles lives completely through love and believe.Xparagraph break here to highlight how this change in attitude can be transformative in other contexts (academic). I feel like I have been in jail through my college years because people have been putting me down for my writing skills. Every time that I wrote an essay or just a simple paragraph, I always got them wrong and no one supported and believed on me to get better, people would say that I was an awful and pointless writer. I was hopeless, I thought that I was never going to get out from “college imprisonment”, until I met one English teacher that believed on me and encouraged me that I was able to write. His encouragement was the key of my freedom, he told me that I was a deeply thinker and that every essay I wrote for his class I was improving, it made me feel like I could be someone in life.XI hope this is me, since I do believe this and I see it; you should see it too, in your e-portfolio and in your blog. Your writing has changed enormously and you have something very meaningful to say; be sure that you tie this idea back to the thesis, in some way, as I've suggested with the paragraph breaks. The Juvenile System is the one that has to put a mask on to the public, they can say they have so many programs for the juveniles so they can rehabilitated but according to them these kids can not change and be someone anymore, so they send them to adult prisons even if they are underage. The Juvenile System do not believe in their own mechanism, they just make the justice hopeless. I believe that the system just want to get rid of this kids without any opportunity to succeed in life and with no chance to let them prove that they change. The people who believe on them are few, but thanks to them this kids have become someone in life. We are all criminals because we speed in the high ways, we passed the red lights and we parked in prohibited areas; but like us, we have the opportunity to prove that we learned from our mistakes. These kids have the same rights because they are human beings like us.

Free Write

Free write of one of the characters from TRUE NOTEBOOKS

 Francisco Javier 

He was sent to the Juvenile Hall for murder, although he does still have hope to get out from there. He commit murder because he was in a gang and that is the only thing he knew, he felt that they were his family and that they were always going to be there for them. When he went to the Hall, he understood that he was completely wrong about the gangs. He wanted to go to the writing class because he wanted to try something new and try to forget where he was. Mark helped him a lot by giving subjects to write about. One of the things that I admired from Francisco Javier is the way he was funny and always tried to cheer up others, the way expressed himself toward the class and to himself was hilarious in most of the cases. He changed, he learned from the punishment at the HAll but few people saw that. He went to the prison were all the adults are, because the justice system did not give him a chance to prove that he learned from his mistake.

True Notebooks by Mark Salzman

Amazing book, I really recommend this book. It really touches your heart.



REFLECTION In this unit I learned about the different types of crime and the deviance people. I never thought about the difference between these two. I came with the conclusion that we are all criminals in different levels. So when someone tells me “ I am an angel “ …I am not going to believe it!. 
The article of The Code of Streets was a good article but it was not and interest of mine. In the essay I did not included it as much as the focus question asked me, I honestly did not like it. While I was writing this essay I was not focus at all, but I guess I managed to write about crime. I need to focus in my writing and how I do the paragraphs, also I will make a better outline for the essay next time so I can work with the time that the teacher gives me.

Essay: Crime

Estephania Maupome
In Class Essay#2
English 1A


People commit crime every single day at every single time around the world. The theorist came up with so many explanations about crime and the people that commit crime. Conflict Theory is the argument †hat deviance is deliberately chosen and often political in nature, in which is the best theory of why society commits crime. Is mainly about the economical problems and the discrimination in society.

Worldwide, the economic situation has been one of the greatest problem without a smart solution. The only alternative that low class society found to survive is committing crimes such as steeling. The rich society steels too, but to the poor. “The inclination to violence springs from the circumstances of life among the ghetto poor- the lack of jobs that pay a living wage (…) [is the result] alienation and lack of hope for the future”(Anderson,171). This is all created by the rich people that control everything in this world, since they steel the money from the poor people by taking the money from taxes or not paying the full amount of money that they should pay to the employees, they use it to their own benefit. The poor people have to steel according to survive. Is just a vicious cycle that never ends one steels for pleasure and the other one steels to survive. This has “become increasingly oppressive toward working-class (…) or in tax legislation that disproportionately favors the wealthy”(ES,156).In Mexico is one of the worst countries with economic crime, there is no money left to the poor so once again they have to steel, such like the drug dealers. Since Mexico is sinking in corruption, the drug dealers are the leaders in the country because they have the money to control the president and since they want power and money, they do not care about the poor people. If the poor people steel from them, they get killed or they have to join them to have a “better” life.
However; In conflict theory has some strength and positiveness to the effect of economical problems .In the Farmworker’s daughter, Rose and Bobby were “steeling” the can food that was on the warehouse in the farm, and giving it to the workers in the farm for free. This could be also be represented as a “Robin Hood” term “Steel from the rich and give it to the poor”. The theory seeks moral ends to the emancipation of humanity, when one group takes power and seeks to justify it represent the “freedom for all”.

The society has been changing thru the years , but not the racial discrimination.  “The Hopelessness and alienation many young inner-city black men and women feel, largely as a result of endemic joblessness and persistent racism, fuels the violence they engage in”(Anderson,183). Since the early years of socialization in the world, always have existed the racial discrimination towards the minority. The most affected groups that have been discriminated are the Black and Latino communities, just because they are not like the “whites”. The were two robberies at the same time in California, one was a $100 steeling from a grocery store from a black person and the other one a high class (white) executive that commit a fraud to a bank for billions of dollars. The one who stole the billions of dollars got two months of jail and the other one who stole $100 got forty years of jail. That really explains in what class of society we live now, it doesn’t matter how much money you steel, the only thing that matters is the color and the ethnicity you come from. The critical theory’s connection with socialism and statism is it greatness weakness.

Conflict Theory “emphasize that crime occurs at all levels of society and must be understood in the context of inequalities and competing interest between social groups”(ES,156).  


Crime and Anomie
Definition: Social norms loosing their holds over individuals


Functionalist Theory:
Subcultural Explanations

Conflict theory
Argument that deviance is deliberated and often political inmature.


Writing Process

1. What step was most useful to you in the writing process and how would you modify it to use in another course? The step that it was most useful on the essays was the P.I.E. and I have seen that since the first essay in the class I have been getting better. Also the underling the structured sentences have been helping me on my writing skills and also on speaking. 
 2. What do you feel are the strengths of your essay? I think the examples are strong because it have been based on my own experience. 
3. What do you feel you could do to this essay if you have more time? I probably introduce more aspects of rose's life and my own experiences. More paragraphs.



I really like the unit, specially the book because everything reflects on me. I had the same type of life as Rose, specially coming to the United States. I learned all types of the society that surrounds us and how really affect us as a self. We create and behave according to society, unfortunately we do it because we care of what are they going to say instead of fighting of what we do believe and what to do. We see our selves through the eyes of others.

The first thing I am learning since the first essay is to focus but is really hard to keep focus. The sentences structures and that I need to finish with a conclusion. In the Unit and from the book it goes too personal, it is basically how I live. I t helped me to identify myself better and all the things and persons surround me and how I can connect with literature.

Growing Up Mexican in America

Growing Up Mexican In America

In the Farmworker’s Daughter written by Rose Castillo Gilbault, described her growing life as a Mexican in the Unites States with charm, courage and passion. Rose life is like a mirror to my own life, with unique experiences and maturing in an early age; the major influences in Rose’s life that also influenced in my life are: English language, traditions and my mother.

In Rose’s childhood one of the most challenging and torturing agent of socialization was the language. Since her, whom primary language is Spanish and lack of comunication with people made her feel desperate to learn English. At six years of age, “I lived i a world of confusion-the language(…) spun around me like a vortex.Within one year I had moved away from family and the stability of a routine to a foreign country with a foreign language”(47). With such a dramatic change in life to a little girl impacted her very strong, but eventually in a  very slow pace and unexpectedly  the English language revealed to herself.

Such like Rose, my first language is Spanish and I have the same stuggle. I am a talkative person. When I came to this country at the age of thirteen, I could not understand anything and no one; which it was the most silent moments of my life. I felt fotunate that I knew how to socialize, but the language was a barrier, a limit, a stop sign that it was hard to pass. It was hard to learn and to ask for help, if a made body signs the people would stare and laugh, but it did not stop me from learning; I forced myself to opened my mind to an strange world.

The traditions are very important part of a self identity. Rose loved going to Mexico every every year to celebrate Christmas. Her reality of her family and Mexico were synonimous with Christmas. “[I] felt detached from American celebrations but, like polite guest, we’d sample the traditions”(115). Although, Rose felt awkard immitating American holiday traditions by humming the carols, being delight by by the glowing decorations at the neighborhood and baking cookies. Rose and her family were hunger for celebration until they got to Mexico, whom traditions were the posadas and the Three Wise Men.

I idenify with my traditions as much Rose did. I like to celebrate Christmas with my family, where I did not feel like a guest admiring carols and lights. Every year I go to Mexico to celebrate the holidays, to have some posadas and to wait for the Three Wise Man to come. When I celebrated christmas in my Grandmother’s house; we made a pinata full of fruits and candy, which is always the main attraction for the children in the neighboor. After braking the pinata, we write letters with all our wishes to the Three Wise Men, who bring our wishes back on January 6. Only one year I celebrated the holidays in America and I honestly did not feel like home.

A mother is the most important person in a child’s life. Rose loved her mother, who always encourage her to do better in life. When Rose was feeling tired at work from picking garlic, her mom encourage her to do better by some powerful words that only a mom can say, “You’re a very responsible worker.You are a great help to me”(108). Rose felt better and worked much faster and harder, because she knew that her mom needed help. Rose admired her mom and she became what she is now, thanks to her mother encouragment.

Just like Rose’s mother, my mom encourage me to do better in life. My mom has been always there for me as I always been there for her. Since I was little she always asked me to help her with her job, whose duties were money administration and organizing files. With my mom’s lean teachings and lessons she taught me over the years, I was able to be responsible and organizad. I soon realized that I was able to move out of the house and start to be independent. However, my mom did not like the idea, but she encouraged me more to follow my dreams. So far I have been living by myself one year, going to collage and working. Even in my hard times, my mom has been there to cheer me up and do better.

I recommend to read this book

I really liked this book, it really helps you to identify yourself with all the things that surrounds you!



I learned a lot from the unit. Identity is one of the main reasons of who we are. I realize that we do not shape our selves but the society does, is really amazing how we change because of the people around us.

What I learned about my self and identity, is that for a moment, I thought I was the one who shaped myself because the decisions I make. When I read all the articles about how we identify, how we are, who we are and who affect us; I was amazed that society and family are the ones that really shape us. I also learned that I have to focus while I write my essays and that I have to be open in case I want to change and re-write my essay. 

What have you learned about yourself as a reader so far? So Far I have learned to annotate books and articles while reading! and to use critical thinking. Describe here, what you feel you have learned about reading and discuss what types of strategies you would use in other courses, and how you might change the strategies to better suit other courses and other assignments? Te strategies that we discussed were about to annotate while we read in which I will use it in all my classes, asking questions and make free writes. I will use all of them so far I do not want to change them , i want to learn more of how to use them to the maximum. Then I will change it to my better understanding in other classes. 

Sociological Imagination

Complete Sentence

Unique mentors exist to help others uncover one's self- worth, boost level of self- confidence, and encourage others chase her their dreams. In Rose Castillo Guibault's memoir, "Farmworker's Daughter," she learns a valuable life lesson from Mrs. Rojas. During a class photo, Mrs. Rojas shoks the class as she announces that " the prettiest and most photogenic person in class was... a shy Mexican girl... [leaving] the rest of [us] struck by the notion that a Mexican girl could be considered beautiful" (86). This demonstrates the idea that no matter the color of one's skin or their origin, doesn't take away the beauty a person. It is important for the development of one;s identity to come across an influential mentors sometime through out life, who go beyond conventional teachings, and express the importance of self- worth and acceptance.

What Makes Identity?

 Identity is a word that has many definitions that can illustrate a person based on their gender, cultural backgrounds, religion and social class, etc. It also can be defined as how an individual views himself/herself and how others see them. An identity involves a sense of belonging an individual chooses to identify with a group and activity engages in doing so, showing support. Identity shows in groups like family, school and work, in which shows a person’s mannerisms as a part of a whole and not only seeing identity individuality. Furthermore, by developing a person’s identity, socialization plays an important part. It will shape a person’s identity from infancy to adulthood; in the process of shaping a person’s identity there must be some social circumstances such as the globalization, environment, culture and life experience which are the main factors that progressively shapes a person identity.

The person does not born knowing how to socialize, the child will learn thru the years what and how to socialize in life. The socialization is dived in two sectors the primary and the secondary. The “primary socialization is the first socialization an individual undergoes in childhood through which he becomes a member of society. Secondary socialization is any subsequent process that inducts an already socialized individual into new sectors of the objective world in society”(Berger and Luckmann 29). Since the primary socialization is the most important in a human being because is the family, which are the parents are the ones who are in charge of selecting the social life on a child will affect it through his life until he gets the power to control himself. From a low- class child the socialization would be different from a upper-class child, but in the secondary socialization is the age of adulthood that has the choice to identified himself with other people and could be different society.

The globalization is the growth of the world interdependence in which a person is affected all the time because the society is changing in a fast pace. In what introduces the environment of a person. The work environment in a person is one element of a person’s identity, with the little peer-group of the work place will help the person to encounter the “self” at work, but not all the people are in the same situation; for example, a person that lives in towns or urban cities are totally different from the ones that live in a farm. The person that lives in a farm will never have the experience of going to work in a different part or have a different topic to talk about with the co-workers because it would be always about the crops and plants and since he lives in the farm he doesn’t have to go take the bus or any transportation because the job is right in front of his house door. In the other hand the person who lives in the city going to work would be another different experience everyday, taking different types of transportation and talking to different people everyday in which the person will socialize more and would become different from the person who live in the farm because it would not have the same socialization.

A person with a different type of background, culture and language it will be always different from any other. Since we born, the self do not come it rises in the process of social experience and activity, the experiences that the self has is to make us know of who we are, but some of the time the most simple experiences in our lives that it also shape ourselves we don’t remember or we do not put attention to them such as waking up in the morning or how we eat our meals. By this “[we] see [ourselves] thru the eyes of others”(Herbert Mead 26). In  which society is divided in different cultural and language and even background, a person has the power to choose what it wants to be but the society has to approve it. A person from Mexico would be different form a person from America living in the United States. I born in Mexico and my background is different from an American girl but thru the years I have been shaping myself towards the American culture trying to be accepted in the society, and trying to identify myself as an American, but my roots still there in which I share with other Mexicans living in the United States. We change ourselves and we change our relationships with others; we are never the same with people.  “We dived ourselves up in all sorts of different selves with reference to our acquaintances”. We are part of different groups and to be in the group we do what they do, and we are there because we like to be in that type of society, but we never act as who we truly are we just do it to get accepted from their eyes.

Everything in the world is an element of self-identity, we identified ourselves with history, society, social media and our actions. We have the power to choose who we are in the social globalization.
My name is Estephania Maupome, I am from Mexico City and have been living in the United States for 7 years. I live by myself and I support myself as well, it is really hard to be by my own but I am getting alot of experiences and i feel like this amazing experience will help me in the future.
I am a very active person, i love adrenaline and adventure. When I am not at school which probably is all summer, i go camping to Yosemite, skydiving, white river rafting and sometime we go to other country to explore.
I go rowing 3 times a week because that is the sport i have been practicing since i was 14 and i just love it.
I have few hobbies that i do on my free time; I paint, draw, sew and cook. I also collect all kinds of thing such as coins, stamps, toys, antiques, miniatures, letters, scarfs, hats and jewlery.
My goal in life is to work at PIXAR, and my short goal is to graduate from college.